Water Damage Photo Gallery

Subfloor and hardwoods was completely soaked from water damage.
This is a photo of water damage. The subfloor was completely soaked and the hardwoods all had to be pulled where there was moisture. unfortunately, the hardwoods all had to be replaced.

Business Water Damage
This was a local business that suffered severe water damage. This shows some of the more extreme damage a building can suffer from water. The flooring was loosening just from the water

Local University Water Damage
This was a major damage loss at a local university. There was a large amount of red mud, as seen, in the water the rushed through the front doors of the building.

Flood Damage
The carpet in this bedroom was affected by flood damage and had to be removed. When walking on this carpet your footsteps made sloshing noises. We impressed the homeowner with our ability to be on site so quickly.

Flood Damage
This residence suffered extensive water damage from flooding. This customer suffered 3 separate floods of this extent. Each time we were out on site we were extracting a mass amount of water and performing reconstruction on the home.

Client Letter after Water Damage Restoration
Ms. Jwalea Smith had a 3 story house with extensive water damage. The A/C unit in her attic malfunctioned and water drained through the ceiling to the two floors below. Her words of thanks made our day!

The Sink Overflowed But I Dried Up All The Water
In this case, seeing isn’t believing. Water is sneaky. It seeps into, around and under building materials faster than you think. When water gets underneath vinyl, wood, laminate or tile flooring, the flooring itself traps that moisture between it and the subfloor, causing mold to grow and flooring to buckle or crack. Carpet padding acts like a sponge, creating that same trap. On houses with crawlspaces, the moisture can also leak down and cause mold under the sub floor and in the insulation. Call the experts at SERVPRO and our moisture meters will tell you for sure!

It Looks Dry To Me
Looks can be deceiving. Water and sewage within walls and under solid flooring doesn't just disappear. Unless these areas are detected and mitigated, rot and mold will inevitably take over, leading to a far more expensive loss down the road. We have what it takes, like the Infrared Cameras used above. Leave it to the experts at SERVPRO!